The Street Soccer Academy
The Street Soccer Academy is the No.1 football-led project tackling youth homelessness in England.
Our award-winning charity, the Street Soccer Foundation, operates nationwide throughout England, working in partnership with several football clubs in communities across the country overseeing the effective delivery of the Street Soccer Academy: a nationally acclaimed personal development programme for vulnerable and homeless young people aged 18-30, providing a combination of Football Coaching; Mindset Training; and Soft Skills Development Workshops. Together, Changing lives through Football.
to deliver the Street Soccer Academy during the 2024-25 season.
Club Community Organisations (CCOs) in England and Wales are now invited to apply for a Delivery Grant to provision the nationally acclaimed Street Soccer Academy programme in their local community. Academy programmes are currently delivered in the Autumn term (September to November) and the Spring term (April to June). A Delivery Grant of £2,500 is offered for each successfully delivered Street Soccer Academy programme during the year. To apply please scroll down the page.
PLEASE NOTE: CCOs may apply to deliver up to two Academies per term. If applying to deliver two (2) Street Soccer Academy programmes in either term during the year, at least one of the Academy programmes MUST be an all-female programme offer.
Application Deadline: 31 July 2024 (for a full season delivery) or 28 February 2025 (for a half season)
Please Note: Following your completed application, you will be notified of the outcome of your submission within 7 days following the deadline date.
Delivery Requirements:
Before making your application for a Delivery Grant please review fully the delivery requirements as follows:
- Ensure appointed CCO staff are appropriately experienced and trained to be able to effectively deliver the Street Soccer Academy programme, particularly regarding the needs and vulnerability of the participants anticipated to be recruited onto the programme.
- Provide appropriate publicity material for distribution locally regarding the Street Soccer Academy to best effectively promote the programme offer to actively engage with relevant and local organisations to identify and recruit appropriate young people aged 18-30 onto the programme.
- Agree collaboratively with the Street Soccer Foundation and Referral Partner Organisations a suitable cohort of at least 10 young people and up to a maximum of 15 young people per Academy.
- Ensure the cohort is provided with the official Street Soccer Academy kit (provided by the Street Soccer Foundation) for use while on the course.
- To deliver the deliverable workshop content and related materials provided by the Street Soccer Foundation (via an online Delivery Portal) at a suitable local venue.
- Ensure relevant monitoring and evaluation forms are completed and submitted to the Street Soccer Foundation (contained in the online Delivery Portal) during and at the end of each Academy programme delivered.
- To commit and appoint at least two members of staff who will together plan and deliver a combined 90-minute football coaching session, along with a facilitated 60-90-minute workshop, during each Street Soccer Academy session.
- To make available for each session an all-weather playing facility for a 90-minute football coaching session, as well as an education/training facility for a 60-90-minute workshop throughout the Street Soccer Academy programme.
Note: The Street Soccer Academy programme is to be delivered once per week over 12 consecutive weeks. Each Street Soccer Academy session will typically be timetabled over 3.5-4 hours per week. All promotional and marketing materials for the Academy must include a reference to the Street Soccer Foundation and must be agreed and signed off by both the Street Soccer Foundation and the Delivery Partner (CCO).
Apply for your Grant
Please complete the Grant Application Form in full
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