Shawn Stewart

Shawn was very shy, quiet, anxious and nervous. Coming from a foster care background, he was new to Liverpool and didn’t really know anyone or have any friends in the area.

I think the Street Soccer project has had a huge impact on who I am as a person

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A foster care background

Shawn was very shy, quiet, anxious and nervous as an individual when he initially joined the Liverpool Street Soccer Academy programme. Coming from a foster care background, he was new to Liverpool and didn’t really know anyone or have any friends in the area. Despite this, it became quickly obvious to the coaching team that he was keen to commit to the course and try his hardest to learn new things, to meet new people, and enjoy his experience.

Shawn did brilliantly

Over the weeks he became a true example to himself and the group. What we loved about Shawn was the fact he didn’t just turn up for the football coaching sessions. He genuinely looked forward to the classroom discussions around personal development and always offered enthusiastic input at each session.

Further training

Because of this, he empowered others around him to have a voice which in turn hugely helped in building his confidence. He became someone who both his team mates and coaches really enjoyed being around. Showing such a determined approach and watching how his confidence grew day by day, week by week; it’s been fantastic to see his development over the past few months and we’re thrilled that after successfully graduating the Academy programme, he is now in further training through the Liverpool FC Foundation as he continues his journey of personal and professional development.

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How Shawn got to St George's Park

Shawn started at the Liverpool Street Soccer Academy and arrived at St George’s Park after his graduation.

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