Camp Activities
We have 4 main activities in a camp day, 2 taking place in the morning and 2 in the afternoon, which can include the following:
- Ball games such as football, basketball and dodgeball
- Striking and fielding games such as hockey, cricket, rounders and tennis.
- Target & Themed games such as NERF Games, Water Games, and bowls
- Individual and Team games such as Athletics, Dance, Arts & Crafts, Outdoor learning and kids’ choice games.

Maximum participation
We encourage maximum participation at our activity camps, however, we do understand that children have different interests, abilities and needs. We, therefore, have different ways in which children can get involved such as score keeping and coaching and have some activity slots where children get to choose their own activities.
Score reveals
There are 4 score reveals throughout a day at camp – after activity 1, 2, 3 and 4. The score reveals not only reveal the team scores but individual successes through announcing a King and Queen and a SPEED Star who has shown brilliant sportsmanship and efforts even though they may not have won the most points. The score reveals are a celebration and are some of the loudest and most entertaining parts of the day as children chant and cheer in the excitement of each digit being revealed on the scoreboard.

Party activities
Party activities take place after the final scores. This is the time that children begin to get picked up and these activities will help the children leave with big smiles on their faces and hopefully them wanting to come back for more! These activities might be games such as balloon games, scooter games, musical games and parachute games.

In the last hour of the day we allow children to choose their own activity and give them a chance to wind down before they are picked up.
Every child will leave a day at a Street Soccer Holiday Camp with positive feedback, a smile and a Certificate on their final day.
Find out more about our Holiday Camps HERE.